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My articles


The ultimate secret business key to success – give me a break!

First things first A long, long, long, long time ago I also wanted to believe in all the ads telling me that there is only one most important thing in the business that will get me to success! The only problem was that everybody said that it is a different thing. So...

WHY I stopped investing in my own company!

WHY I stopped investing in my own company!

I have to admit that I love the topic of today's article and the lessons I learned from this experience. Why? Because now I can say clearly: Not investing in my company protects my wallet from stupid or impulsive expenses that my mind could easily rationalize as a...

How to protect yourself from disasters of surplus?

How to protect yourself from disasters of surplus?

​​Perhaps you have heard of the Egyptian plagues that God brought on Pharaoh ​so that he would allow the Israelites to leave his country. Why am I mentioning this? Because maybe God, and in my opinion, we as entrepreneurs, can send one of the plagues on...

Salary for the business owner? – oh no – we work for free!

Salary for the business owner? – oh no – we work for free!

I hope that you are well and full of energy, ​as today I would like you to face one of the most painful topics when it comes to finances! Yes, today we will be talking about the salary of business owners like you!​ Yes - your SALARY - you know, this is something that...

To maximise the revenue or to maximise the profit?

To maximise the revenue or to maximise the profit?

Have you ever been persuaded that the only solution to the problem of low income and, what follows, low profits is to increase your revenue by boosting your sales volume? And that eventually you will have to decide whether to maximise the revenue or the profit? Nearly...

About author

Who is she?

Anna Kupisz is passionate about creating multi-million dollar businesses and helping other women do the same.

She has a valuable experience in the corporate world as CEO of her own companies and as an employee in others’. This has given her valuable insights into building businesses that generate 7 or 8 figure PROFITS, not turnovers.

What is so special about Anna Kupisz?

Her unique combination of experience in international business, economics, psychology, negotiations and parenting has made her a much sought-after authority. She became successful not only in her native Poland but on a global level as well. Anna’s ability to explain complex business concepts in basic terms has resulted in her writing several books and countless articles. What is more, she also gave speeches and interviews on international stages and in radio, TV and podcast interviews.

Anna is one of those rare people who actually walks her talk, applying her principles and strategies in her own businesses and life and can help you do the same.